Last Updated: Before 30 days ago
Phone | ☎️ (417) 708-3856 |
professional body rub NOT AN ESCORT! Office location DO NOT ASK FOR PICS I DO NOT WANT YOURS! TEXT ONLY- TEXT ONLY- TEXT ONLY I DO NOT ANSWER CALLS! If you enjoy a great professional body rub that is stimulating then you will enjoy your visit with me! Respect my boundaries, privacy time! I'm very discreet, private I DO NOT LIKE NOR WANT REVIEWS! Privacy Safety is priority for myself and my clients! When you book an appointment you are booking to enjoy yourself Knowing that you are IN GOOD HANDS! I run a business I have created an environment where my clients can be themselves and open up in a safe environment Nothing ever leaves my office! Text to book, do not blow up my phone if you text and I don't reply immediately I could be with someone be respectful of others appointments! What do is very clear DO NOT ASK QUESTIONS! I do not discuss work on the phone! Make an appointment check out a visit for yourself! you will be addicted ready to come back over over! Pun intended! 417-708-3856 Old friends you get first pick of appointments I appreciate you! New friends check with me for availability! |