Last Updated: Before 30 days ago
Phone | ☎️ (314) 710-9617 |
Barbie Cummings. $Build A Barbie Workshop!!!!$ Something difference Anxiety exclusive Hey fellas my name is Barbie Cummings first flavor of a unlimited edition of sweet so sweet candy 🍬 land 🍬tases that great Willy Wonka is jealous flavors on flavors make your mouth water 💦thats how sweet Your Barbie Cummings is 🍭 A light screening process is required for new clients before each visit I send verification photos to prove Im real and photos are from right now...., Phone 🤳 1-573-357-6664 💯*[SATISFACTION GUARANTEE!]⏳ 💯* TEXT/CALL NOW 📱📞 💯*IM READY WHEN YOU ARE!! 💯 PLEASE NO AFRICAN AMERICANS 💯 |